OneCare Vermont is welcoming proposals for the second round of funding for the 2019 ACO Innovation Fund. OneCare anticipates awarding at least $1,000,000 in grant funding in 2019 to organizations in the ACO Network, and their partners, with the goal of improving the quality, cost and experience of healthcare for Vermonters.
The goal of the ACO Innovation Fund is to find and highlight projects that:
- Impact the medium, high and/or very high risk populations in OneCare’s Care Model.
- Are evidence-based or evidence-informed.
- Facilitate progress towards the goals of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s Triple Aim.
- Have the potential to positively impact the ACO Total Cost of Care.
- Support transformation to a value-based health care delivery system.
- Promote partnerships and collaboration to develop and advance integrated systems of care.
How to Apply
If your organization is in the ACO Network or collaborates with organizations in the Network, visit this page to learn more about the application process. The application deadline is 5pm on Monday, July 8, 2019.