Joining the ACO

A map of Vermont that shows the boundaries of the health service areas in the state, and the locations - marked with pins - of the hospitals that participate in OneCare.

OneCare is a statewide accountable care organization.

Update: We are no longer accepting applications to join the OneCare network.

OneCare brings together health care workers and partners throughout Vermont to improve health outcomes for Vermonters and stabilize costs. We provide data and analytics, payment reform, and network performance management to health care providers.

By working together, providers in OneCare can improve health outcomes for patients in their community while stabilizing costs.

OneCare contracts with Vermont providers to participate in care coordination, quality improvement, and payment reform activities. We invest in primary care to help improve the health of Vermonters and to support preventive care provided by primary care, pediatric, adult, and internal medicine clinicians.