Joining the ACO

OneCare is a statewide accountable care organization.

A map of Vermont that shows the boundaries of the health service areas in the state, and the locations - marked with pins - of the hospitals that participate in OneCare.

Thank you for your interest in joining the ACO. OneCare brings together health care workers and partners throughout Vermont to improve health outcomes for Vermonters and stabilize costs. We provide data and analytics, payment reform, and network performance management to health care providers.

By working together, providers in OneCare can improve health outcomes for patients in their community while stabilizing costs.

OneCare contracts with Vermont providers to participate in care coordination, quality improvement, and payment reform activities. We invest in primary care to help improve the health of Vermonters and to support preventive care provided by primary care, pediatric, adult, and internal medicine clinicians. 

How to Join the ACO

To join the OneCare provider network, your organization must be contracting with all of the following insurance plans:

  • Vermont Medicaid
  • Commercial Plan programs

Please fill out the web form below. Once you have completed the form, it will be submitted to our contracting team, where they will evaluate your request and reach out to you to discuss next steps.

Join the Network

Your Contact Information


II. Tell us About Your Organization


Type of Organization (Select One)

Primary Care Practice
Specialty Care Practice
Organizations / Agencies

III. Organization Site Information

# of organizational Site(s)
VT counties Served by your organizational site(s):

IV. OneCare Program Participation

Which of the following payers are you presently contracted with?
Which OneCare programs are you requesting to join:(Required)
Please note OneCare program participation is:
Required for: VT Medicaid, MVP QHP
Optional for: Medicare, Employer Sponsored Programs

V. Timing

What calendar year would you like to join the OneCare ACO?

VI. W-9

Please download this W-9 form, fill it out, and attach your completed W-9 in the next step.
Max. file size: 100 MB.

VII. Next Steps

Please watch for a confirmation email that your submission was received. If you do not receive it, please email or call us using the contact information below. We appreciate your interest in OneCare Vermont and your desire to join the ACO.
Please direct questions to:
Local: 802-847-7220 Option 3
Toll-free: 877-644-7176 Option 3


Please contact the contracting team with any questions.

Phone: 802-847-7220 Option 4 or toll-free at 877-644-7176 Option 4

Who’s in the ACO?

The 2024 OneCare Community


Primary Care Practices

Specialty Care Practices

Federally Qualified Health Centers

Individual Providers*

Skilled Nursing Facilities

Home Health Agencies

Designated Agencies for Mental Health & Substance Use

Area Agencies on Aging

Regional Housing Authorities (SASH)

* As of March 21, 2024; number fluctuates daily/monthly; visit our list of participating providers for up-to-date info