Despite the strong start, OneCare does not expect this outcome each year. The goal is to live on a steady growth rate. To achieve that goal, OneCare will receive funding in the settlement process some years and will owe money in the process other years.
Medicare: $13,345,337 savings (OneCare was paid $7,776,760 of advanced shared savings throughout 2018. These dollars supplied OneCare with funding for the Patient-Centered Medical Home, Community Health Team, and Support and Services At Home population health management payments.)
Medicaid: OneCare Vermont was within approximately 1% of the budget target for Medicaid and the year-end reconciling payment represents providers accepting accountability for cost and quality of care. OneCare paid Department of Vermont Health Access the difference between the Actual Total Cost of Care and the Expected Total Cost of Care, totaling approximately $1.5 million for the 2018 performance year.
BlueCross BlueShield of Vermont: OneCare was within .05% of the budget target and the BCBSVT QHP (Health Exchange) and paid BCBSVT $645,574.